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  • The Cost of Airtight Homes

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    Name: The Cost of Airtight Homes
    Date: April 11, 2023
    Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
    Event Description:
    Don't forget to register for PHRC webinars ahead of time to easily add them to your calendar & receive reminder emails directly to you! Register here or at the button below as registration is required for the free webinar.

    As Pennsylvania transitions to the 2018 I-Codes for building enclosure airtightness requirements, there may be a concern on the requirements to adapt to these new changes. One of the biggest concerns is the cost of implementation for these new requirements. The cost of air sealing a home varies depending on the size and location of the home. Air sealing costs are also determined by the scope of the project, such as whether you intend to do the basement/foundation, attic space, or a whole house sealing. Additionally, the final cost of air sealing may be determined by current rebates and assistance programs from government and utility companies. 

    • Review the 2018 I-Codes within Pennsylvania’s UCC pertaining to enclosure air tightness.
    • Learn how to maximize efficiencies within the building process for achieving airtightness with minimal additional cost.
    • Understand how to select and communicate desired outcomes for airtightness with subcontractors in their specific trades and how to achieve those outcomes best economically.
    • Determine the new benefits within the 2022 IRA (Inflation Reduction Act).
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    Date/Time Information:
    4/11/2023 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET
    Free to attend; $20 for continuing education credit in live webinar
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